The Guardian: Riveting Terrifying Completely singular; how chrissy amphlett changed the game by lo carmen

This is an edited extract from Lovers Dreamers Fighters by Lo Carmen:

I was 13 when I became enamoured with Chrissy Amphlett.

It was 1983 and I had just started working for our old family friend Vince Lovegrove in the school holidays. In the late 60s Vince had been a frilly-shirted bubble-gum pop singer with the Valentines, alongside AC/DC’s Bon Scott; in the 70s, he’d transitioned to hip music scene journalist, to TV producer, to compère; and now he was managing cutting-edge rock group the Divinyls, whose song Boys in Town I was already obsessed with.

Lo Carmen

Australian singer-songwriter/author of ‘Lovers Dreamers Fighters’


ABC LIFE MATTERS PODCAST: Lo Carmen on the self-inventing women who inspired her


The Sentinel: Lo Carmen: a lover, a dreamer, a fighter; a mother, an actor, a writer